19-23 January 2021
Zoom Session

„A GIFT" is a collage of short videoclips done by the dance artists involved in the project „BET 45+". The idea was to create a virtual gift for a colleague in another country, record it, and send it on to them. The recipients of that gift then creates their response/interpretation to it, and sends that gift on to the next person, and so on. The circle closes with the last person sending their gift to the first one.
This wonderful idea was born at one of the „BET 45+" zoom meeting discussions at the end of 2020/beginning of 2021. Artists from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, UK took part in it.
The spoken text in video is based on real-life story and recorded by one of the participants of the project. All short video gifts sent to each other were simply linked together to create the short film of sent messages in January 2021.
Even at difficult times of pandemic despair, total isolation and different restrictions in different countries we all have the warm hearts that tune to the beat of each other and feel the same rhythm, share stories and messages – to make a GIFT for each other until we can meet in real life.
Project BET is supported by Creative Europe.